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How to Participate


  1. Contact a program representative at Business@BGESmartEnergy.com or call 410.290.1202 to determine your project’s eligibility.
  2. Submit the Custom Application via the Application Center for approval, along with all the necessary supporting information before starting your project. A site inspection may be required as part of BGE’s approval process.
  3. Receive notice that your project is approved for payment and what the operational requirements will be.
  4. Purchase and install the new equipment within the required timeline. Be sure to notify BGE before implementing any changes to the approved project scope.
  5. Sign and return the preapproval letter and provide invoices and supporting documentation for all energy efficiency measures installed. BGE may require a post-installation inspection.
  6. Receive notification when your project has been approved for payment.
  7. Receive your incentive check within 6 to 8 weeks after the project’s completion and payment approval.